

EDP on Mastering Self & Team: Navigating Business Success for Auro Infra Pvt Ltd.

IMT Hyderabad successfully conducted a two-day Executive Development Program on “Mastering Self & Team: Navigating Business Success” for the executives of Auro Infra Pvt. Ltd. on Feb 2nd & 3rd.

The comprehensive 2-day program was designed to empower the executives with the skills and insights needed to master themselves, lead high-performing teams, and strategically navigate the challenges and opportunities in the real estate industry. Through a blend of theory and practical application, participants were equipped to drive business success and foster a culture of excellence within the organization.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Auro Infra Leadership for entrusting us with this opportunity and to Mr. Gijo Mathew for providing invaluable insights that have shaped this robust program.

A special thanks to Professor Romina Mathew, Professor Pavan Kumar Balivada, Professor Sarath Babu and Mr. Sathish Kannan for conducting the sessions.

We would also like to express our gratitude to all the resource persons, the Auro Infra Team, and most importantly, the participants, for making this journey truly remarkable.

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