

About Finacea

Finacea, the finance club of IMT Hyderabad, is a student-driven initiative that aims at bringing both the academic and the practitioners’ perspective of the finance sector to provide a platform for the students on developing, sharing and improving financial knowledge along with enabling the students to get a hands on experience about the industry expectations from us.

Flagship Event : Finacea Night

Finacea Night is the flagship event of Finacea. The purpose of the event is to get students to learn some key tools to effectively handle their finances, navigate money challenges and come out as a winner by making them play different games and indulging them into various activities. It is a platform where learning finance is fun and exhilarating.

Social Media Links

Instagram: - https://www.instagram.com/finacea_imthyderabad/?igshid=112iefetglj2j

Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/finacea/

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